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一个圣. 菲利普的大学 employee tradition is to support the Annual SPC员工捐赠活动. 在此活动中,我们鼓励员工向以下方面捐款:

  • St. 菲利普大学奖学金,
  • 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台奖学金,以及
  • 联合劝募协会和他们的合作机构.

St. 菲利普的大学 strives to increase private donations from individuals and foundations to provide needed 项目 and scholarships for 学生 and support community organizations. 请帮助我们实现我们的目标! 我们要求员工参加 SPC员工捐赠活动 这将帮助我们达到51%的员工参与率.

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一旦您登录到您的ace帐户,转到 “员工”选项卡 点击图片 阿拉莫回馈社会 通过承诺门户登录.



你还需要知道 给密码 that will identify the funds and/or United Way partner agencies you desire to donate to.


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如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的信息, 不要犹豫,联系布莱恩·蔡斯, SPC United Way Employee Campaign Manager at 210-486-2387 or bchase11@阿拉莫.edu和Daniel Riley, SPC竞选助理,driley@阿拉莫.Edu或210-486-2576. Your generous support of this year's 阿拉莫大学 Employees Giving Back means that deserving 学生 with genuine needs will have access to a life-changing education provided by the 阿拉莫大学 Foundation Funds. Many essential community-based social services will be made possible by United Way of 圣安东尼奥 and its partner agencies. These services will touch and transform countless lives in the months and years to come. 你们使这一成功成为可能,我们感谢你们!



这个活动, 现在叫做阿拉莫回馈社会, invites all 阿拉莫大学 employees to consider an annual philanthropic gift to support our 学生, 项目, 以及我们所服务的当地社区. 给予是个人的决定,参与是自愿的.


Each fall, 阿拉莫回馈社会 begins with Convocation and lasts for several weeks. 2023年的竞选时间为9月1日至10月31日.


两个主要领域 的支持:

  • 学生奖学金, 学生维权中心, 大学项目, AlamoPROMISE and emergency assistance through the 阿拉莫大学 Foundation. 有 dozens of funds to choose from, including districtwide and college-specific options.
  • 为圣安东尼奥和贝尔县的家庭提供重要服务, 孩子们, 学生, 和个人通过联合劝募会的影响和社区合作机构. 有60多个合作机构.
Where can I find a list of giving opportunities and who can I reach out to at my campus if I have questions?

访问 阿拉莫.edu/阿拉莫givesback 下载所有捐赠选项的PDF格式. You can also find the name and contact information for the campaign lead(s) at your campus or through the 阿拉莫大学 Foundation.


是的! All gifts received in the 员工给 Campaign support local cause(s) and people in our community.

我的礼物有多少真正用于支持我选择的事业? 有处理费或其他费用吗?


What if I want to give to a different cause than the opportunities listed?

虽然有很多重要的慈善机构, the options selected for the 员工给 Campaign align 关闭ly with the mission of the 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区—to “empower our diverse communities for success.” These options are focused on education and a fostering sustainable quality of life for all within our community.


送礼的方式有三种. 如欲下载捐款表格,请浏览 阿拉莫.edu/阿拉莫givesback.

  • 现金 – submit with a pledge form and give directly to a campaign lead at your campus
  • 检查 – submit with a pledge form and give to a campaign lead or mail the check and form to the 阿拉莫大学 Foundation (address on form)
  • 扣除工资(PRD) – Complete a pledge form or log in via ace - Employee Tab and click on the 阿拉莫回馈社会 盒子定制您的礼物.
为什么所有的礼物都支付给联合劝募会, even if I am giving to an 阿拉莫大学 Foundation fund or the Arts Fund?

We partner each year with United Way, who serves as the clearinghouse to streamline the campaign. 每笔捐赠的100%都是根据捐赠人的意愿指定的.


Over 75% of 阿拉莫大学 employees choose PRD each year as the simplest way to give. PRD gifts are processed starting with the employee’s first paycheck in January 2023. 你可以选择1-24个支付周期. 扣除是按顺序进行的, 如果你选择12个支付周期, 这将是今年的前12个发薪期, 每月不扣款一次.


珠三角礼品在税后发生, as federal law does not allow for charitable donations through payroll deduction to be processed pre-tax.


Donations to the 员工给 Campaign are tax-deductible as allowed by current IRS regulations. Please consult with your tax advisor for information relevant to your personal tax situation.

If I gave last year, will my gift be renewed automatically be renewed this year?

No. If you gave last year, your gift is not automatically renewed through the campaign. 每位员工每年都有机会选择加入.